I've spent a lot of time this week thinking about this past year. So much has happened:
- Harper was born
- #HarperSnugglesTweetUp
- Donated breast milk for a family that adopted a baby
- BlogLove Conference
- Harper started a blog :)
- My father-in-law Dave had LVAD surgery and then a stroke
- MN Slumber Party - met new lovely bloggy friends
- onset of PPD and anxiety
- Wrote a blog post about postpartum anger and got huge response
- Tree fell in our yard and took out our power lines
- Dave's LVAD failed and had to be replaced
- MNBlogCon
- #BlueBloggers
- Participated in Stomp Out Stigma (at work)
- Five year wedding anniversary
- I Am Angry post about Penn State and my abuse past
- Interview on the 10pm news about being a child sexual abuse survivor
- You Make Me Brave post becomes Editor's Pick on BlogHer
- Added BlogHer ads to blog to raise funds for abuse prevention
- New boss at work
- Probably lots of other things that I forgot about...LOL
Love you guys very much. Thanks for all of the support and love that you've given me this year.

I am hopeful that LOTS of things happen for you in 2012, but that all of these things are good, positive, and exciting. Yay for 2012!
I think that was our wish for 2012, too, that it would be less eventful than 2011! What a hectic year. Good hectic, a lot of it, but stressful!
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