Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Caring - 4 - Caleb
Can You Help? Will you help?

This is Caleb Baird. You may already know him. For those of you who have met Caleb, you already know that he is a wonderful 9 year old, 4th grade boy, living in Rochester Minnesota. Caleb has been diagnosed since age 5 with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID)*. Shortly after his diagnosis, Caleb and his mom moved to Rochester to get him treatment at Mayo Clinic. CVID requires him to go into the hospital for two days, every two weeks, to receive a donor supply of immunogammaglobulin. This infusion replaces the necessary antibodies that he needs to fight off infection. Without this infusion, the result can be very dangerous and complicated. Although the infusion helps Caleb, it also brings with it some long and strenuous side effects. He gets very ill and sick to his stomach - with body aches. When he gets through those few days after treatment, he is able to feel good again and be active like a normal nine year old. He loves football and loves to laugh! As you can see he is a Packer fan, but likes the Viking's too.

Recent circumstances are threatening Caleb’s care. A lapse of insurance has created a large deficit with the treatment facility. With no insurance, a great out of pocket expense has been created for Caleb and his mother Stephanie. This has been enhanced by the cost of the medicines it takes to maintain Caleb’s health. His Social Security Status has been revoked, and any minimal funds that were once there, have now been taken away. Fear has set in based on the small day to day necessities such as food, and gas, and the simple things that we take for granted. He needs snow pants and boots and a multitude of other common items. A larger scale fundraiser on his behalf is in the plan and actions are in process to get his medical concerns taken care of, and his SSI status back in effect. The time consuming process has predicated immediate help needed. He needs you.

Family support – Caleb has wonderful grandparents and family. Over the past 4 + years the resources that they have been able to provide have been stretched, and depleted as well. The level of need and urgency has peaked, and generosity from outside sources has now become urgent and eminent.
Your help… The Caleb Baird Wellness Fund has been established with Wells Fargo. Caleb’s primary fund location is at the 37th Street Wells Fargo in Rochester, Minnesota. Donations to this fund can be made at any Wells Fargo Location.

Lastly, in thinking about this terrible disease – Thankfulness of our children’s health is something to reflect on this Holiday Season. No one asks for a situation like this, and it can certainly strike any of us. As an individual we can only do so much, but collectively we are powerful. Only when the people rise up to make a change, will a change occur. God Bless You and thank you for any help you can provide.

If you have any questions you may contact any of the following people:

Ron Hanson  507-358-7955

David Fischer  507-990-3694

Jaimi Stejskal  507-272-7874

*For more information on CVID go to as one of many sources of information.

**I did not write this post but I am reproducing it (as it was written in it's entirety) with permission.**

I read these stories and they tell me how absolutely fortunate I am to have the life I do.

Even if you cannot contribute to his cause, please spread the word about Caleb.


Anonymous said...

I understand the difficulties that Caleb is going through and I do feel for him. But it's hard to have any sympathy for Stephanie when I feel you haven't been given quite the entire story...

Jo said...

Dear Anonymous: How can I possibly ask any questions about the entire story hen you sign your comment as 'Anonymouws'?