I hear someone coming so I sprint in the opposite direction, heart pounding with fear. Suddenly I am on the ground, wind knocked out of me. I had forgotten about the low fence that stretched across the neighboring yard.
Full disclosure: I actually wrote this during Kate Hopper's presentation at the Minnesota Blogger Conference. We were given just a few minutes to come up with it. I wrote it on my phone keyboard while keeping Harper entertained. I am posting it tonight because I didn't want to miss out on Just Write this week.
I am in bed now trying to clean up the obvious typos and get it posted. Please forgive any errors. :)

I love this. This is what you wrote at MNBlogCon, yes?
I'm seriously impressed that you typed this in just a few minutes while entertaining Harper.
I love that I felt like I was there with you, sneaking about and feeling so nervous.
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