Thursday, September 1, 2011

Guest Post over at Motherhood Unadorned

Hey you guys, I did my first ever guest post for someone. I was nervous but have to admit it's rather nice seeing my words in a new space.

Please go visit Cristi over at Motherhood Unadorned, then click around and stay awhile. She is a wonderful blogger that I found during my recent (and ongoing) struggles with postpartum depression. She is a passionate advocate for suicide prevention as well as PPD, depression, other mental she says "issues that are extremely taboo in our society but are SO important to keep talking about". She also talks about other issues facing moms today and well worth the read. You can find her on Twitter at @MotherUnadorned.

My post is part of Cristi's “I’m Not a Bad Mom (or Dad) Because …” series.

So...without further ado, here is the first guest post I've ever written:

*trumpets blare*

I’m Not A Bad Mom Because of My Past

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1 comment:

Cristi @ Motherhood Unadorned said...

Jo, I'm so glad you were able to share such a personal and courageous story. You are a Warrior Mom!