Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I love three girls named Stephanie...

...and one of them is doing a Hannah Montana movie giveaway. She has two blogs. Go here. Then go here. Comment to win.

When this migraine I've had for two days kills me, please make sure that my daughter Katy gets the movie. Going back to sleep now. Kthanksbye.


Amanda said...

OH dear!! So hoping you fell better soon. When ever hubby gets them he overloads on water and takes tylenol. And sits in a dark corner rocking back and forth. Ok, maybe not the last part. But the lots of water seems to help!


Joe @ IrrationalDad said...

Headaches can be so debilitating. Feel better soon.

Sunshine Mama said...

Ok, darling, it took me half an hour (ok,,,maybe not that long) to comment on that blog...but I'll have you to thank if we win. That gal is shall we say a "colorful" writer.Ha,Ha. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I THINK I am one of the Stephanie's!! I am proud to be part of your post, but I am sad to read you still have your migraine.... Hope you feel better and that Katy gets her movie.

Love You!!

PS - Make sure Laura has to watch it over, and over, and over, and ....