I can't lie, I'm a secret romance novel junkie. I can't go past a garage sale table full of books without checking out the covers to see if there are any that I haven't read yet. Put me in a patch of sun with a Johanna Lindsey book and I'm a happy girl. However, I like my books to hint around about the nitty-gritty instead of putting it all out there, yaknowwhatimean?
I never jumped on the '50 Shades' bandwagon because I heard too many complaints about the quality of the actual writing and I'm really not into the whole D/s scene. When you've not always been treated well in your life, the idea of giving up control is rather daunting, at least it is for me. Reading Diary of a Submissive by Sophie Morgan (a pseudonym) wasn't too far out of my comfort zone. Writing a review for it was another matter. ;)
Having said that, I have to admit that this book was written very well. The author was *ahem* very descriptive. Her humor and downright stubbornness charmed me in spite of myself. She answers a question right away in the beginning when she discusses her absolutely normal childhood. (I have wondered in the past why the submissive needs to be punished and assumed it was because of past mistreatment. She explains it very well in this article.)
I was very uncomfortable during more than a few parts of the book but Sophie's personality helped me make it through. If she writes another book, I might even read it - if only to check in and see how she's doing.
While submission isn't my cup of tea, it makes her happy and she's a consenting adult so who am I to judge?
I think sharing your story is always important. I'm glad Sophie was brave enough to share hers with us.

This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own. If you'd like to join the book club discussion, visit http://www.blogher.com/bookclub/now-reading-diary-submissive.
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