Thursday, February 11, 2010

Goal For Today

My goal for today is to change my attitude from this...

To this...

Muah! Who loves ya baby?

My attitude lately has not been the best. I've been crabby and snapping at Katy a lot. Granted, she's been kinda driving us crazy lately with various behaviors but regardless, that is not the mom I want to be. So...time to adjust my thinking and try to figure out how to find some more patience. Any suggestions for how to do this will be greatly appreciated. Really. I mean it. Yup. PLEASE!@?!?

Oh, my other goal is to make a hair appointment for a cut and color. I really need it. Any suggestions on style? I'll take those too. My hair is driving me almost as nuts as my kid. (I so don't care if that sentence is grammatically correct.) LOL

Ok, maybe I do care...but I'm not changing it. Trying to figure out how to make it right makes my brain hurt.


Corinne Cunningham said...

You are too cute :)
(I wish I had suggestions... I'm a little lacking in the patience department as well...)

Laura said...

When you figure out the patience thing...let me know, k!? :)

Unknown said...

I'm so the top picture these days. Cute post!

Amanda said...

You are so cute!!! And look great in green BTW! :)

Irrational Dad said...

Patience??? I struggle with that every single day. With people I don't know, I just remind myself that it's not their fault if they don't know something, so how dare I get upset or impatient with them for not knowing that GREEN MEANS GO?!

With people I do know... it's harder, because I expect more of them. Then I remember that they would expect more from me too. So, I just take a deep breath and try harder to cut them some slack. It's not their fault that I'm so much more awesome than they are. ;)