Howdy friends:
Life has been busy and I've been a bad blogger. So many things are going on now that I'm home with the kiddos and also watching my neighbor's kids a few days a week. Summer flew by and I can't believe it's been so long since I've done an update.
I planned to use ad revenue on this blog to advocate for child abuse victims and then dropped off of the planet. Now it looks like I'm losing my BlogHer ads because I haven't been updating very much. I'll be honest, after sharing my story of abuse I kind of hit a brick wall with blogging. I had so many feelings to work through. I'm still a work in progress but I can't be an advocate if I don't talk about what is going on.
So...I'm back, hopefully for a long time. Thank you for being my friends and offering support and encouragement. I can't wait to claim this space again as my own and start kicking some bloggy butt.
I completely fell off the face of the earth this summer- it's tough!
Welcome back!
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