Thursday, August 12, 2010

So a few of you were wondering what we are having...

We had our 20 week ultrasound today (which is funny because I'm really only 18 weeks and 3 days but shhhhh...we won't tell).

We found out what gender of child we will be having and are just plain thrilled. We decided to surprise Grandma at work by showing up and giving her the news in a slightly unique way.

Oh, sorry. You can't see what the balloon says? Here...let me help with that... didn't think I would let you off that easy did you?

Keep looking...

Keep looking...

Keep looking...

Keep looking...

Keep looking...

...and we couldn't be more pleased.

Health-wise, the baby looks terrific. Brad has some cool pics and videos that we got on a cd at the doctor's office and I'll post those soon. I just wanted to share the good news before people started really having a conniption. My twitter and e-mail has been going CRAYZEEE with people waiting for the news!

So. VERY. Happy.


Sunshine Mama said...

Let me be the first to congratulate you two. Guess I was wrong!!! Happy, Happy Day for your family!!!!

Dave said...

Congrats Jo and family! Little girls are the best!

AmazingGreis said...

Yaye, congratulations!!!

Laura said...

Congratulations!! So glad everything went well and she is healthy as can be! :)

Kate said...

I am thrilled for you! Love how you told your mom. I was very creative in the ways I told my mother.

I shouted into the phone "IT'S A GIRL!" because I'm creative like that.

It's a gift. Don't hate.

VDog said...

SQUEEEE!!!! Happy day!

Anonymous said...


thenextmartha said...


Jess :) said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on another sweet baby girl! What a blessing she will be. :)

Shelli said...


Al_Pal said...

Awww, congrats! Saw VDog's reply to you of twitter & came to check it out. Woohoo! ;)

Marian said...

yippee, congratulations mama!!