Thursday, August 5, 2010

Look out BlogHer 2011... I come.

I don't know when you are, I don't know where you are...

...but I'll be there.

($1.16 down, eleventy billion dollars to go. Try not to be too jealous of my mad creative skills.)


AmazingGreis said...

I went last year, had to cancel due to surgery and a wedding in San Diego in September this year, and I'm so so bummed that I'm not in NYC. I never thought it would be so hard to not be there. I will not miss out next year, it's too torturous. I will start saving as soon as I get back from San Diego.

How are you feeling?

Alana, Author of Domestically Challenged said...

GO YOU!! :)

You even got all fancy and made a little bottle thingy. Not me. I just plan to save weekly - I need to put just under $18 a week to have enough.

You'll have to post your progress - it'll help keep ME on track! LOL