Friday, August 28, 2009

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

The doctor called.

Dave (my FIL) has been diagnosed with Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, likely stage IIIB. We will have more information after he has a PET scan (Monday) and bone marrow biopsy (Tuesday)done. He has an appointment on 9/14 where I'm assuming treatment options will be discussed.

Until then, Dave has told us "Meanwhile me buckoos – chin up , head down and full steam ahead".

I will do my best to comply.


Kathygee1 said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you all. Keep us posted please.

Sarah said...

At least he has a great attitude, in my opinion that makes all the difference in the world!!! (and if you have a Famous Daves around you, he should go get a free meal on Sunday for being a "Dave"!!!)

Sunshine Mama said...

I agree with Sarah. I just had Famous Daves today and was reminded of how great they are...kind of like your Dave.
I'm sorry this is happening. Your in-laws are great people...heck look at the great son and grandson they sired.

Kami said...

Well. That effing blows. You know that age old question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" Did anyone find out the answer to that? Because I for one, would like to know. So so sorry. Hang in there, man.

Amanda said...

Wow Jo!! This is jsut too much. I would be SO happy to pray for you guys... let me know if there is a specific prayer your heart is leading you towards....

Many blessings-

The Fritz Facts said...

Wow...I must admire his attitude and mind set. So strong.

I will keep your family in my prayers!