This is a message for those who are participating in the MckLinky Weekly Blog Hop. If you know me already, feel free to comment and add an interesting tidbit or two about HOW you know me and/or make fun of my intro post for the Blog Hop. *grin*
Hi! I'm Jo. *waves vigorously*
I'm the wife of a self-proclaimed computer geek (Brad) and mom to three pretty awesome (most of the time) kids. My oldest is my daughter Laura (13), then my daughter Katy (turns 10 on July 4) and last (and I DO mean last...but not least of course) there is my son Jamie (7 months). Oh! ...and we have 3 dogs and a cat.
I work for a university and spend way too much of my free time reading blogs and playing on Facebook and not enough time doing laundry. I'm also known to have my nose stuck in a book more often then not.
I tend to be just a little bit granola/tree hugger-ish but I'm not all freaky about it. I am passionate about things that are important to me (read breastfeeding, natural childbirth, books, my family). I laugh (and cry) easily and always try to see the silver lining.
Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by!

Nice to meet you! Happy 4th of July... Happy Blog Hopping!
Just hopping by to say Hi! Great name by the way!
Blog hopped over! Always fun to "meet" another Minnesota family!
Hi there! Fellow Minnesotan here...enjoyed reading your introduction!
cute blog, we have a lot in common!!!
hop hop hop
The buzz,
Just hopped on over here. Does your daughter think all the fireworks are for her birthday?
Hoppin by to say hello! Have a wonderful weekend!
Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello. Have a great weekend.
Out Blog Hoppin today! Nice to meet you!
I'm a homeschool / SAHM to 3 -- Living in Louisiana -- Hope you come by to visit.
Have a Happy Fourth!
I’m Blog Hopping! Hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July.
Please stop by Lin's Duck and Wheel With String to vote for me, Lola, in her First Official Dork-Off Contest. Vote for my photo, because my kindergarten photo is THE dorkiest.
Hopping by to say have that laundry problem, too?
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